These images are mostly from Margaret Buser's photo albums, dated circa the early 1900's. Maybe you'll find someone you know among them!
Margaret Estella Donham (Nora "Carrie" Buser's daughter)
Margaret Estella Donham (Nora "Carrie" Buser's daughter)
Ethlyn Donham (Nora "Carrie" Buser's daughter), 1889
Ethlyn Donham (Nora "Carrie" Buser's daughter), 1889
Mrs. Warren Buser (Cecilia) with Dortha and Harold
Mrs. Warren Buser (Cecilia) with Dortha and Harold
Carrie & daughter Margaret Buser, and Scamp, around 1912
Carrie & daughter Margaret Buser, and Scamp, around 1912
Genevieve (Chamberlain) Babbitt and Verna Babbitt, about 1940
Genevieve (Chamberlain) Babbitt and Verna Babbitt, about 1940
Verna Babbitt. graduation Muscatine High School 1941/w=1920,quality=90,fit=scale-down)
Verna Babbitt. graduation Muscatine High School 1941
Annie Ruger Brook and baby Caty (Ruger) Chamberlain tintype
Annie Ruger Brook and baby Caty (Ruger) Chamberlain tintype
Letter to Carrie Ingraham, from Aunt Mary Ingraham, 1870s
Letter to Carrie Ingraham, from Aunt Mary Ingraham, 1870s
Sarah Cowell Ingraham (Lineage)
Sarah Cowell Ingraham (Lineage)
F. Glenn McCullough and wife Ella (Wilson) McCullough 1911
F. Glenn McCullough and wife Ella (Wilson) McCullough 1911
Ingraham estate in Leeds
Ingraham estate in Leeds