Photo inscribed by Nellie Gunderson Jones (to Margaret Buser): "The Jones Lot, McKee, Jones & Rickett monuments. The largest white monuments. At a distance is your Uncle Jonas"
Minnie and Charles, running a fruit stand around 1931
Home of Samuel Buser, Conesville, IA
Ruth Chamberlain, and Margaret's cousin Rose Buser, Conesville? Per Ruth "House Dad built in Conesville"
Inscription: "Jack Terry - He won the prize saddle of the round up, July 4th. Notice where he has spurs all the way from shoulder to hip."
Inscribed: "George, Merlin, Perry, Chas out by the barn."
Inscription: "House Dad built in Conesville, IA" per Ruth Chamberlain; L to R: Margaret, Charles, Ruth, David, Rose Buser
Inscription: "Here is where we will live next year."
Inscription: "One of the 30 or 40 herds that comes by here twice a year."
When Charles Chamberlain and his family moved to Centralia in 1918, they stayed at the Queens Rooms downtown. They also witnessed the Centralia Massacre on November 11, 1919. Their rooming house was searched after the event, as soldiers searched for men who had been involved. Inscription: "This is where we room. Those two big double windows with the screens are ours & the one northwest of the fire escape. The north end is the bedroom & the other window is to the kitchen."
L to R: W.S. McKee, Ruth (holding Tracy) McKee, Clara Chamberlain Ryan, Elizabeth (Lilly) McKee, Mable (Hall) Crocker. Photo courtesy of Paul Temple.
Margaret Buser is standing center, right, wearing hat.
Letter detailing Tobey ancestors, and historic Nathan Tobey House in Cape Cod
Far left: Glenn McCullough; Sitting front left: Margaret Buser Chamberlain; Sitting far right: Nellie Gunderson Jones
Margaret & Charles' first home, they lived there April 6-Aug 1, 1911. Address: 1221 Orange St, Muscatine
Sent by Minnie (Ingraham) Buser to Margaret Buser, inscribed "Here is your home, taken some time ago."